Sunday, June 13, 2010

One week in

So, as the title says, I'm a little over a week in now, and despite what everyone says, it's not really flying by at all. I figure that's because I'm not really in a solid work schedule just yet and as soon as that's all settled things will start going more smoothly. I'm still confused a bit when I wake up in the mornings as to where I am, so hopefully I'll get over that soon as well.

Friday at work the translator came in and they explained the projects they want me to work on, so I'm pretty excited about those as well. First off, I'm putting together a first aid class for kids that we'll all do together as community outreach. Then I'm helping with the writing of two grant proposals to expand their building and programs.

Hopefully I'll be working there (the healthy center) for 2 or 3 days a week and then spending the other days in the hospital, but we'll see.

Yesterday we went to Basmaberd for an excursion and it was pretty cool to see another village. We also got to see some stone being mined, which was definitely a unique experience. Then we ate lunch with Birthright's driver's family, which was incredible as always. And there's nothing better than eating delicious chicken barbecue while chickens run around the table, ha!

This was a short one, but I have to go get a haircut and hope to God I don't wind up bald. This will definitely be an experience.

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